Rekindling Abundance – Finding the medicine in plants and stories
with Hannah Robson and Roi Gal-Or
Mon 3rd July - Friday 7th July 2023
Mon – 10:00 -17:30
Tue - Thurs 9:00 to 17:00 daily
Fri 9:00 to 12:30
Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom
Course Fee: £490
Making different plant preparations and creating healing stories for these times.
What is medicine?
What is the body? Can it become a compass If we really listen?…
How can ancient plant wisdom and stories become doorways into deeper knowing?
In this course, we will enter the subtle and magical realms of plants and stories with all our senses. With the guidance of medical herbalist Hannah and storyteller Roi, we will be sitting with plants, tasting and observing them, embarking on sensorial adventures, embodiment exercises, plant encounters and many more adventures to discover how the almost invisible little weeds, once befriended, can become trusted, recognisable companions.
Together we will experiment with different medicinal plant preparations such as ointments, oxymels, teas and maybe even poultices, depending on what the plants and the group call for! We will work with traditional plant story wisdom and create new medicinal stories for our time, guided by the plants. We will explore the many facets of how herbal medicine encourages healing. Learning how and when to turn to the plants for support to tend to the bumps and bruises our body and soul experience on the journey of life.
We invite you to explore the abundance of nature with us and through that, your own abundance, rekindling a healthy relationship with your surroundings, your imagination and yourselves. The course takes place in the beautiful grounds of Emerson College, a perfect spot to enjoy the culmination of summer solstice and together awaken our vital spirit with songs, games and merry companionship.


Guided by
Hannah Robson
& Roi Gal-Or
Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please Email Hannah rekindlingabundance@gmail.com
or Roi - roigalor@gmail.com
Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation
Begin in Now! with Stella Kassimati
24 - 26 January 2025
Friday 7.30-9.30pm,
Saturday 9.00am till 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am till 12.30pm
Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom
Course Fee: £265
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
This is the ideal course to lead you into something completely new, something you’ve never done before, but want to start now: Storytelling. If you have ever wondered what it would be like to tell a traditional story or a myth, if you’ve ever thought “I could never remember all that”….. if you’ve ever struggled with speaking in front of an audience, then this could be just the course for you. Begin it Now!

Guided by
Stella Kassimati.

By the end of the weekend you’ll have a traditional story under your belt, gained confidence in speaking in front of others and go away with some hot tips on how best to tell a story. All this will take place in a supportive atmosphere at Emerson College, with plenty of fun to allow you to unfold your natural creativity and begin storytelling now!
No experience and a willingness to try out new things are the requirements for this course.
This course is the recommended first step into Storytelling at the School of Storytelling, Emerson College.
The Guardian recognises “Begin it Now!” workshop with Stella Kassimati at Emerson College, UK as one of the 15 U.K.’s best creative retreats. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2021/may/29/crafty-breaks-15-of-the-uks-best-creative-retreats?fbclid=IwAR3oX6PIC_teA1tVDdRM828CJM8UBKFup_I0ZPD5FriSIdpzQO7zLzJXcLo
“Stella is a beautiful storyteller and an incredible teacher. Begin it Now is perfectly paced - it's relaxed and full of ease and yet it covers so much ground. It's the perfect way to step into the world of storytelling in a safe and supportive environment. As a total beginner, I learned so much from the weekend and had a brilliant time.” Marianne Powell. U.K. June 2023
"It is impossible to come out of the course not feeling and seeing the world a little differently. In the beautiful storytelling hut, under Stella's gentle expert guidance some inexplicable magic happens." Nadine Nassar. U.K. June 2023
“Thank you Stella for your guidance of us over the weekend. Your ability to make the story-telling hut safe enough allowed me to take the risks I needed while feeling well held.” Bobby Moore. U.K. June 2023
"I arrived at Emerson College for the beginner's storytelling course nervous and unsure of what to expect. Stella made me feel welcome and she introduced me to the tools that I used to tell my story by the end of the weekend. More importantly, she gave me the confidence and the desire to keep working on the craft of storytelling - I feel like I now have momentum to take my next steps towards becoming a storyteller." Adam W. Poland. June 2023
“The Begin it Now course was just a very moving and satisfying experience from start to finish, Emerson as a learning location is without doubt exceptional. But the course had a very particular ingredient “Stella Kassimati” who took us as a group of very nervous and unchallenged individuals, and left on Sunday lunch time having poured her soul into a new group of confident basic storytellers who left , not only thankful to Stella, but still trying to work out how Stella’s magic worked.
I will always be grateful to Stella for this experience whatever happens in the future.” David Walker. U.K. June 2023
Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please contact Stella at stella@schoolofstorytelling.com or text her on +44 (0) 7765977149.
Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation
Pomegranate Seeds: to accept or not?
Weekend One: 19 - 21 April 2024
Weekend Two: 10 - 12 May 2024
Friday 7.30-9.30pm,
Saturday 9.00am till 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am till 12.30pm
Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom
Course Fee: £ 440

Over two weekends we will take an imaginative dive into the Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone for new knowledge and practice to nurture ‘decision making. Some say Persephone was forced by Hades to eat the pomegranate seeds others say ‘No, it was her own choice’. By eating the seeds she became Queen of the Underworld, forever destined to live there. Was she forced or was it her own choice?
Dilemmas... Do they truly exist or is the difficulty to voice and express (even to ourselves) our inner desire that creates them? Could there be a moment in life when we truly don't know what we want? And when not choosing is actually choosing, freeing us from the responsibility of choice, “I didn't have a choice?''
This Greek myth, poses so many dilemmas: Zeus, Hades, Demeter all great Gods and archetypes weighing their decisions, this or that, and in this way creating a blue print for us today in what is involved in decision making, in priorities and in setting of boundaries.
How often do we find ourselves in murky water when making a decision and in a way asserting a boundary? And what happens when we say “I have no choice”? If you sometimes struggle to make decisions and know your limits and also your inner desires and boundaries, there are rich treasures to be uncovered here, and transformed into new earthy practice in your own life.
Stella and Maria are storytellers who will, with great care, guide you through an exploration of the Greek myth of Demeter and Persephone approaching it through the lens of decisions; their formation, their neglect, their negotiation, their assertion and their consequences. The myth will meet you where you are, whether the decisions you need to take concern personal relationships, community relationships, a global justice issue or relationship with the natural world. You will learn through experiential and embodied practice how to access deep and potent wisdom. And if Demeter wills, the harvest will be great.
Storytelling experience is beneficial, but not essential.

Guided by Stella Kassimati
and Maria Zourari
Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please contact Stella at stella@schoolofstorytelling.com or text her on +44 (0) 7765977149. The two weekends are booked together.
Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation. Please note that each weekend is booked separately.
"Storytelling and Improvisation"
with Stella Kassimati and Maria Zourari
7 - 9 July 2023
Friday 7.30-9.30pm,
Saturday 9.00am till 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am till 12.30pm
Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom
Course Fee: £195
Join us for a playful weekend to strengthen your storytelling muscles. Creative games, fun activities and improvisation will be the order of the day. Flex your mind and body and watch your imagination flow to enhance the scenes and characters in your story. Surprise yourself by seeing your inner child taking control and putting your best self forward; all this in a friendly and safe environment with lots of laughter.
This course will benefit storytellers, teachers, public speakers, and anyone feeling awkward or uncomfortable when speaking in social situations. No longer be afraid of being interrupted, distracted or forgetting your words. This course can give you the skills to overcome these fears.
Basic storytelling experience is beneficial.

Guided by
Stella Kassimati & Maria Zourari
Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please contact Stella at stella@schoolofstorytelling.com or text her on +44 (0) 7765977149.
Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation
“Dionysos and Apollo: Passion and Logic” Guided by Stella Kassimati
Date TBA
Friday 7.30-9.30pm,
Saturday 9.00am till 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am till 12.30pm
Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom
Would you rather be described as reasonable or impulsive?
If you have grown up in Europe there is a good chance that you have learnt that being ‘reasonable’ is considered a strength and being ‘impulsive’ a weakness. But these complimentary energies are powerfully encouraged to support one another in our exploration of the two Greek Gods who embody them. Apollo, the medic, musician, the bringer of light and order and Dionysos the impassioned, creative and intense. Whilst our power structures favour Apollo the wings of our imaginations remain clipped. Balance is all. Join us to explore restoring the balance of these co-creative energies in your own life.
Delphi, the centre of spiritual power for Ancient Greece is overseen by Apollo, but on December 1st, Dionysos enters Delphi and rules for three months. At December’s opening we too will invite Dionysos to the places where Apollo usually rules and see how a renewed balance can guide us to our own inner sovereignty.
During this storytelling weekend we will explore through their myths the power and energy, within
and without, of Dionysos (Intuition/Passion) and Apollo (Reason/Logic). We will immerse ourselves
in their myths, have discussions, fun and enjoy playful storytelling exercises.
All welcome. No previous knowledge of Greek Myths or Storytelling is required.

Guided by
Stella Kassimati
“The weekend was highly enjoyable. I learned a great deal and the course has been an important
step in balancing my own Apollonian and Dionysian mysteries. Highly recommended.” Liz Cruse, U.K.
Dionysos and Apollo 2019
“I have now attended three of Stella’s courses, and hope that there may be many more. Her sensitive way of working with where a group is and wants to explore, expert knowledge, and rich storytelling experience have for me always guaranteed that her courses will be informative, playful, inspiring, and deeply engaging. Matched with her humility, mixing of imaginative and always
meaningful exercises, and a desire to get to know and have fun with the characters that feature in her teaching, you can be sure that you will come away with a new appreciation of the power of story and myth. I thoroughly recommend, and look forward again to having open ears and an open mind
in her wonderful company before too long!” Clive Johnson, U.K. 2019, 2017 and 2015.
“Stella as a teacher of Myth and the power of it, has influenced me for life. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to receive her teaching as a student and friend. I felt her unwavering connection to the ancient Myths come through in her ability to articulate through both language and
frequency of being.” Coco Kami, U.K. 2017
“Stella’s excitement, passion and knowledge about Greek Goddesses and Gods is infectious and I will forever be very grateful for that.” Inger Lodberg, Denmark. Heart and Craft 2014
Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please contact Stella at stella@schoolofstorytelling.com or text her on +44 (0) 7765977149.
Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation
Begin in Now!
1 - 3 December 2023
Friday 7.30-9.30pm,
Saturday 9.00am till 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am till 12.30pm
Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom
Course Fee: £185
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
This is the ideal course to lead you into something completely new, something you’ve never done before, but want to start now: Storytelling.
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to tell a traditional story or a myth, if you’ve ever thought “I could never remember all that”….. if you’ve ever struggled with speaking in front of an audience, then this could be just the course for you. Begin it Now!

Guided by
Stella Kassimati
By the end of the weekend you’ll have a traditional story under your belt, gained confidence in speaking in front of others and go away with some hot tips on how best to tell a story. All this will take place in a supportive atmosphere at Emerson College, with plenty of fun to allow you to unfold your natural creativity and begin storytelling now!
No experience and a willingness to try out new things are the requirements for this course.
This course is the recommended first step into Storytelling at the School of Storytelling, Emerson College.
The Guardian recognises “Begin it Now!” workshop with Stella Kassimati at Emerson College, UK as one of the 15 U.K.’s best creative retreats. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2021/may/29/crafty-breaks-15-of-the-uks-best-creative-retreats?fbclid=IwAR3oX6PIC_teA1tVDdRM828CJM8UBKFup_I0ZPD5FriSIdpzQO7zLzJXcLo
“In just a short weekend, Stella really set the foundations for my storytelling. I was amazed at how much I learnt and how often I come back to the advice that she gave me. She brought her warm heart and her playful energy, and made the weekend magical.” Chris Adriaanse, U.K. Begin it Now! 2017 with Stella.
“The course was magical. I would like to do more workshops with Stella.” Seung-Ah Kim, Korea, opening a window to Greek Myths 2019
“I found this course excellent, informative and inspiring laced with warmth, humour and encouraging support.” Mary Barnes, U.K. Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019
“I appreciated Stella’s warmth and her gentle and encouraging style. The workshop was playful and fun and a bit magical at times. A real pleasure. It leaves me with a real pointer for how to work with stories. I leave with many images to ‘cook with’ and reflect upon...” Pam, U.K Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019
“It was an excellent experience and I appreciated the experiential and playful way storytelling was taught. I would redo it and recommend it to others” Nicole Voillat, Switzerland, Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019
Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please contact Stella at schoolofstorytelling@gmail.com or text her on +44 (0) 7765977149.
Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation
“Alcestis: The Nature of Sacrifice”
with Stella Kassimati and Maria Zourari
Dates TBA
Friday 7.30-9.30pm,
Saturday 9.00am till 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am till 12.30pm
Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom
Join us for a brand new two weekend course!
During the pandemic, the fear of death led many of us to sacrifice our freedoms and way of life. For two years people, who did not put themselves first, wore masks, left home only for essential reasons and hardly saw their loved ones. We sacrificed so much to protect ourselves and others, to keep our neighbours and fellow humans safe.
Admetus, afraid of death, accepted the Fates’ offer to find someone else willing to die in his place. His old parents, fearing death, refused, but his young wife, Alcestis, willingly sacrificed herself to save the life of her beloved husband. This story invites us to explore our relationship to sacrifice and life. How prepared are we to make sacrifices for life, for Nature and for our planet? Just how far are we willing to go to save and protect ourselves, those we love and all other beings?
Over the first weekend we will be hearing and telling the myths that led to the tragedy “Alcestis” written by the famous Ancient Greek playwright Euripides. During the second weekend we will explore the myths and see what personal and global themes emerge. Could this ancient story contain wisdom that can help us at this critical point in human history?
Storytelling experience is beneficial, but not essential.

Guided by
Stella Kassimati & Maria Zourari
Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please contact Stella at stella@schoolofstorytelling.com or text her on +44 (0) 7765977149.
Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation
Begin it Now!
5 - 7 April 2024
Friday 7.30-9.30pm,
Saturday 9.00am till 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am till 12.30pm
Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom
Course Fee: £ 205 ​
“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
This is the ideal course to lead you into something completely new, something you’ve never done before, but want to start now: Storytelling.
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to tell a traditional story or a myth, if you’ve ever thought “I could never remember all that”….. if you’ve ever struggled with speaking in front of an audience, then this could be just the course for you. Begin it Now!
By the end of the weekend you’ll have a traditional story under your belt, gained confidence in speaking in front of others and go away with some hot tips on how best to tell a story. All this will take place in a supportive atmosphere at Emerson College, with plenty of fun to allow you to unfold your natural creativity and begin storytelling now!
No experience and a willingness to try out new things are the requirements for this course.
This course is the recommended first step into Storytelling at the School of Storytelling, Emerson College.
The Guardian recognises “Begin it Now!” workshop with Stella Kassimati at Emerson College, UK as one of the 15 U.K.’s best creative retreats. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2021/may/29/crafty-breaks-15-of-the-uks-best-creative-retreats?fbclid=IwAR3oX6PIC_teA1tVDdRM828CJM8UBKFup_I0ZPD5FriSIdpzQO7zLzJXcLo
“In just a short weekend, Stella really set the foundations for my storytelling. I was amazed at how much I learnt and how often I come back to the advice that she gave me. She brought her warm heart and her playful energy, and made the weekend magical.” Chris Adriaanse, U.K. Begin it Now! 2017 with Stella.
“The course was magical. I would like to do more workshops with Stella.” Seung-Ah Kim, Korea, opening a window to Greek Myths 2019
“I found this course excellent, informative and inspiring laced with warmth, humour and encouraging support.” Mary Barnes, U.K. Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019
“I appreciated Stella’s warmth and her gentle and encouraging style. The workshop was playful and fun and a bit magical at times. A real pleasure. It leaves me with a real pointer for how to work with stories. I leave with many images to ‘cook with’ and reflect upon...” Pam, U.K Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019
“It was an excellent experience and I appreciated the experiential and playful way storytelling was taught. I would redo it and recommend it to others” Nicole Voillat, Switzerland, Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019
Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please contact Stella at stella@schoolofstorytelling.com or text her on +44 (0) 7765977149.
Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation

Guided by
Stella Kassimati